Where are the stories on Travel?

During this covid-19 pandemic, everyone's travel is at a standstill.  Most of us are in self isolation.  Unfortunately some of us are in quarantine.  My wife and i have just completed out 4th week of self isolation.  Our weekend and daily trips are at a standstill.  The cars remain in the garage except for an occasional expedition to forage for the needed.  My motorcycle hasn't migrated out of the shed to the garage.

Usually, the winter time gives me opportunity to complete many computer tasks such as cataloging my pictures; creating some home movies; and catching up on the blog.   However, this winter my attention to these tasks has been distracted.  For everything there is a season; and being isolated has created the needed space to catch up.

What does that mean to you blog followers? In addition to the miscellaneous ramblings, I plan to complete the following series from the past:

  • Circling Lake Superior - from Sept 2019
  • Visiting Phoenix Az - from Nov 2019
  • Bensonville MN - Dec 2019
  • Surgery - Jan thru Mar 2020
  • Puerto Rico - Feb 2020

Don't miss the opportunity to catch up on the our travels.  Subscribe to the blog for updates.


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