Just some rumblings caused by Covid-19

Like most of you, I have been dwelling on this covid-19 stuff for days.  

First, LoriAnn and I are fine.

Here in Minnesota, grocery stores and box stores (Walmart, Target, Home Depot) are open.  We have provisions, but try to forage for fresh veggies and food periodically. A few restaurants have closed, but most are trying to stay alive with takeout, curb service or delivery.  We try to patronage one or more of our favorites once or twice a week.

We go for daily walks when the weather permits.  Usually the roads are void of people. Parks are open but playgrounds are shut down.  I may see some children playing outside.  For the most part people are staying indoors.  But if caught outside, people are keeping their distance.  They will likely wave and have a quick conversation. 

We live in the outer suburbs.  It sounds like it could be different in the inner cities of STP and MPLS.  I heard the mayors are wanting to shut down the lake and river paths because too many people are gathering there.

I have many snowbird friends that have been ‘trapped’ at their southern homesteads because of this virus.  They are lucky that they have a home and are not caught in a resort or motel.   The wife and I were in Puerto Rico up until March 7th.  We road our plane home and then went into semi isolation; just because.  Puerto Rico went into total isolation the following week.  One set of my friends came home last week; they found rest stops, gas, and hotels along the way.   Another set of friends are on the way home this week and share a slightly more disturbing account with rest stops closed, a few gas stations open, and very limited hotels.

Regarding churches; I personally think its too risky for large quantities of people to meet.  I am thankful for the on line devotions, and the live broadcasts that my church, Eaglebrook, is providing.  In today's electronic age, there is really no excuse for any church to not be able to provide on line worship.   With that said, I do miss the physical aspect of church and my small group.

Its not news that the stock market has tumbled.  I had plans for retirement at the end of the year that I now see as non-achievable. With the economy shattered, family members have been laid off. And then today, my company has notified me of a cut in hours (and pay), but I get all my benefits.  We will be fine. This may begin my bridge to retirement six months early.

My birthday is coming up in a week. I plan to celebrate my 63rd birthday staying healthy.  It will be a quiet celebration with my wife.  Perhaps a few close friends with join in a zoom happy hour.  

Praying for everyone's health, understanding and peace.

Stay safe and healthy out there.


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