Great Journey of 2019 - Season 1; What makes this the greatest journey?

So I named this vacation the Great Journey of 2019.   Are you wondering what is so special about this trip that I can call this the greatest?

First - This trip is scheduled for 3 weeks.  It is the longest time I have been away from work since 1981, when I got out of the Navy and I was unemployed.   LoriAnn hasn't ever been on a vacation this long.  It has been GREAT too leave work behind.

Second - It has been snowing back home.  February has been the snowiest winter on record.   And there has been at least one big snow fall in March. My neighbor back home has cleared the snow from my driveway at least 4 times.   Thanks Cliff.   I owe you a lot.   But I am glad I haven't had to do the work.  It's GREAT to be away from the snow!

Third - Its been cold back home.   The temperature this morning -9 degrees.  This hasn't been an isolated case of cold weather.  Although today is a cool 55 deg F, The last 9 days I have been in shorts while the weather has been above 80 Deg F.   It's GREAT to be away from the cold!

Fourth - I get to spend all this time with the love of my life.  And that is the GREATEST!

Todd and LoriAnn at Daytona Speedway March 2019


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