Great Journey of 2019 - Episode 1 of Season 2

Day 1 - Feb 25

It is our first full day in Bonita Springs.  We enjoyed a lazy morning, sitting on the lanai over looking a beautiful back yard with a pond while drinking coffee and eating breakfast. After 3 aggressive days of driving, we are enjoying a slow pace while we wait for packages to arrive. Sleep, what little we got, didn't come easy. Sleeping to 9AM certainly helped our attitude.

Around 1030 AM, the packaged CPAP arrived. I was as excited as a child at Christmas as I tore open the card board box. I was nervous that I would find damage to the parts of the machine that was needed for a good nights sleep.  I was anxious that Megan might have missed packing one of the many parts. I dug through a mess of Styrofoam peanuts to get to a bubble wrapped package. I ripped open the bubble wrap and finally got to the CPAP carrying case. I opened the carrying case, and found all the pieces were there in fine shape. Megan did a great job putting it all together. Both LoriAnn and I looked forward to a good nights sleep.

Mark and Delores have a beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath home in a gated community.  Most of the homes in the community have ponds in the back yard.  There are plenty of trails for walking and biking. The trails have bridges that cross over the channels that connect the ponds. I know Mark looks forward to try his luck fishing on the water. 
Along the back wall of the community there are gardens that are maintained by members. There are specific areas in the garden that have plants that attract butterflies. To jump start our relaxing week, we took a walk through the gardens.  With our cameras ready we chased butterflies trying to get a picture. I caught a few Monarch butterflies in pictures. LoriAnn caught a sunburn. 

Then we went out to the Royal Scope for some Ice Cream.  Royal scope is one of the most amazing ice cream shops in Southern Florida.  The line to get your treat can be real long, but today it was just a few people deep.

To jump start the evening we drove over to the Fish Tale marina in Fort Meyers for a sunset cruise.  We boarded a pontoon and headed out into the bay to see bottle nose dolphins, an iguana, and a fleeting glimpse of a manatee.   The captain got the boat going fast, causing a wake.  Then a pair of dolphins surfed in the wake.  That was so cool and the high light of the evening, for the clouds came in and hid the view of the sun set.  Arriving back in port we headed over to the restaurant within the Fish Tale Marina.  It was our second day of seafood for dinner.

Day 2 - Feb 26

Finally a good nights sleep, for both LoriAnn and I!

To stay on the healthy track, Mark, Delores,  LoriAnn and I walked over to the community pool for a swim in the morning.  It was a larger pool.  We got there after the water aerobics class, so many people were leaving as we entered the water.   After a swim and then a lite lunch, the Ladies went shopping at 'The Best of Everything' and the Guys went to a tap house for a beer. The Best of Everything is said to be the most unique retail accessory stores in the world! LoriAnn managed to find some jewelry that matched some jewelry she brought along on the trip.

After a flight of beer, Mark and I stopped at the grocery store for a few steaks.   We then headed over to his mothers house. Mark's mother, Bev, lives a few miles down the road from him.   His parents have wintered in Bonita Springs area for many years.   That is what influenced Mark and Delores to settle into Bonita.  Over the years Bev has become friends with a wonderful women named Idola.  Idola knows everything about Riesling wine.  LoriAnn and I had the opportunity to meet Idola before on a cruise. Tonight Bev and Idola are hosting Mark, Delores, LoriAnn and I for dinner followed by a few hours of drinks and card games.   The only requirement was, the men had to bring the steaks and Mark had to grill.  No problem man....

Day 3 - Feb 27

Today is beach day.   After another casual morning drinking coffee and sitting on the Lanai, we loaded up the group and headed over to the beach at Delnor - Wiggins Pass State Park. The outside temperature was in the 70's and the sun was partly cloudy.  This is the gulf side of Florida where the waves do not get very large.   But by the end of the day they grew enough for Mark to try and body surf.   Another cool thing was the pelican that were dive bombing into the water to catch the fish.  Many of them dove withing 10 feet of us.

Of course no day at the beach would be complete without an Ice Cream treat so we made a second stop at Royal Scoop.   After Ice Cream we went home to take a shower and have a quick nap.

On the way out of the community, LoriAnn snapped a few pictures of the sunset over the channels.  Then we had Mexican dinner at Senior Tequila's.   The food was great.   The Salsa was superb.   The Margaritas were scrumptious.  It was a great dinner to put us to rest for the night as we waited for a busy day tomorrow on a air boat and swamp buggy.

Come back for Part 2 of Phase 2.  You can easily follow this site by entering your email in the spot in the upper corner.


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