Great Journey of 2019 - Season 1

Day 1 - Feb 22
The great journey of 2019 has begun. It may actually be a continuation of Thanksgivings road trip. You might even call it the beginning of the end.

Nevertheless, this morning LoriAnn and I awoke at 630 am, topped off our partially packed luggage, loaded up the Ford Escape and headed down the road just shortly after 800 am.

For those who follow our journeys, you may remember our November trip to Texas and Oklahoma to visit possible locations to retire at. This trip is a continuation of that adventure. By now you may be wondering where are those two going now?

This trip is a three leg journey. This first leg will take us to the home of our good friends, Mark and Delores in the city of Bonita Springs Florida.  We plan to take 3 days to get there.  As I write, we are barreling down I-39 thru Illinois.  When we left home it was 16° and foggy, but outside now it is 45° and partly sunny.  One of the other reasons we have left Minnesota.

We headed east and left Minnesota behind us, crossed thru Wisconsin and entered Illinois on the northern boarder. During the next two days, we will cross the entire length of the state, north to south. But for tonight we stopped in Mount Vernon, Illinois after driving 670 miles.

As we unloaded our carry in luggage, it dawned on me what I forgot.  Leaving home I knew I had my phone, wallet, and keys. I figured if there was anything I forgot, I could buy. Well, I was wrong. The one thing I needed for LoriAnn and I to get a good night sleep was left at home; my CPAP machine.

Day 2 - Feb 23

Last night, sleep didn't come easy without my CPAP.  I layed in bed unable to sleep with concern for LoriAnn's sleep. An hour after lights out I still tossed and turned. Finally sleep came.

My darling daughter, Megan came to the CPAP rescue.  She went home, packed up the CPAP, took it over to UPS  store and got it packed and shipped.  Sadly it will not arrive overnight on Sunday. Who knew there would be no delivery on Sunday.

This morning, we got on the road about 810 AM.  After a couple hours of driving down the road we ran into rain, and fog. Just past Nashville the 18 wheel truck traffic picked up drastically.  After a gas stop, and a quick bite to eat, we swapped out drivers. Then with LoriAnn driving, we entered the Appalachian hills just North of Chattanooga TN.  Then we took a detour. 

This area of Tennessee has had so much rain.   The water was just flowing over the rocks, like water falls.   There was plenty of evidence of flooding and wash outs.  Since LoriAnn was driving it was my job to take photos on the road.   I failed....

When LoriAnn first noticed how close we were going to be to the Alabama / Tennessee border, she reminded me of all the other states she ALMOST visited. This could be LoriAnn's chance to cross another state off her visited list.   Wanting to be able to sleep without fear, I knew it would be good for her to have take this opportunity.

The road into Alabama only added 10 miles onto the day. Travel time and the time at the border added 20 minutes to the journey.  But LoriAnn's joy and excitement was worth it.

Taking the drivers seat for the last hour, i drove thru Macon GA, and then I drove right past our hotel in Byron GA. 10 miles down the road LoriAnn checked the map and told me that Google maps said the hotel was behind us. Sigh...  We turned around!

We logged about 590 miles.  We ate at dinner at Zaxby's which is similar to Raising Caines back home.  Then we checked into our Super 8.

Day 3 - Feb 24

I was able to sleep fairly good last night, but LoriAnn suffered due to it.  The motel room was fine, it was my snoring that kept her awake.  We got onto the road at 810 AM.   LoriAnn got a bit of sleep while i drove during the first shift.   We cross into Florida, making pretty good time, and we stopped for the first gas break and driver change.   LoriAnn jumped in behind the wheel, and drove off into the traffic heading into Tampa.  The sleepless night then caught up with her.  An hour plus down the road she hit the wall and asked me if I could take over.   

After another quick gas stop and a driver change we were back on the road.   The journey thru Florida to Mark and Delores house in Bonita Springs was uneventful.   I made pretty good time and arrived at their home around 430 PM.  510 miles today.

Our reunion with Mark and Delores was great.   Mark broke out a bottle of champagne to celebrate our arrival.  We immediately felt welcomed and easily moved into our one room suite in their home.  Our friends bought this home last winter, but they just moved in the first week of January.  They have put a lot of hard work into shopping for the furnishing.    They have a great start, and the furnishings they have are great.

Before the sun set we went for a short walk thru the community and saw a nice sun set.  Then, for dinner tonight we journeyed to the Fish House.  We started with drinks in the bar as we awaited a table to open up.   The drinks seemed to be extra special tonight.  For supper, we made a good start on getting our fill of sea food with LoriAnn having Grouper and I have a red snapper special.    

One more night without the CPAC machine.   

Tomorrow we start Phase 2, Visiting Florida with the Mark and Delores.  

Come back for Phase 2.  You can easily follow this site by entering your email in the spot.


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