Do we want to go to Michigan for lunch?

All week, my friend Terry and I have been wondering where to go on todays ride.  Years ago we jokingly said that we should go to Michigan for lunch.  So, last night as the question arose, we both said " lets go to Michigan for lunch".

We left home around 7:30 AM and went to the gas station to top off the tanks.  The sun was out and zero forecast of rain for the day. At 7:45 we were on our way again.  We crossed the Wisconsin border at Taylor Falls, then took an immediate left and went north through Grantsburg and then Northeast to Danbury.  From Danbury it was a very pleasant ride an HWY 77 to Ironwood Michigan. 

Having traveled this route in the past, I remember more trees in Northern Wisconsin.  It was evident from the scenery along the road that logging was a big industry in Wisconsin.  There were many natural woods that were cleared away.  I understand that the forests in Northeastern Wisconsin were hit pretty hard by wind in 2013.  There were also some spots that had been desecrated by forest fires. 

Neither Terry nor I new what food was in the town of Ironwood, so we decided to stop at Joe's Pasty Shop.  Pasty's are somewhat like a pot pie and sandwich all in one.  You can read about Pasty's here: History of Pasty This one was good, and the lady behind the counter was a hoot to talk to. After a quick Pasty and a bathroom break we were on our way.

Coming home was quite a hodpodge of different roads: 51, FF, B, E, 70, 27, 40, 48, 25, 8 then to home.   While at a gas stop on  highway 8, Terry told me about the great seafood buffet at the Indian Casino.  So, we decided to stop.  We parked the bikes and walked about a block thru the parking lot, then into the casino, all the way to the far end.  There we found that the buffet was closed for renovations. Just our luck.  We had BBQ ribs instead at the casino's restaurant. 

We arrived home at about 7:11 PM after riding 460 miles and getting splattered by mass quantities of bugs.  The front of the bike was such a disaster that I had to wash it off before I put it away.  Terry told me he was just going to put it outside and let the rain or due loosen it up. I attached a picture of my wind screen.

It was a great ride.  The weather was fantastic with the high at 78 F, and no rain. Terry and I are very comparable riders and we make a great team on the road.  

Until next time, try to keep the wheels on the road, and your mind on what's going on around you!


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