Day 3 - Motorcycling Missouri 2015

Today we road from Branson to a small town called Beaver, Arkansas to visit with LoriAnn's nieces (Sara and Katherine) and her sister-in-law and her husband (Luann and Dinny).  The weather forecast for the day was not good with rain expected the whole day.  We left Branson with our rain pants on ready for the worse.  Around Golden Mo we got hit with the rain.  The downpour and wind was very bad.  I probably should have pulled over at sat out the initial front of the storm but no, instead I plowed through it.  We arrived in Beaver at the relatives home drenched on the outside.  While riding the water pools down in my crotch area so bad my rain pants just could not restrain it.  I looked as if I wet myself.  I am glad I brought shorts to wear.

Luann made us a big spaghetti dinner.  The day went by as the rain fell outside.  LoriAnn's Grand Niece MK and I hung out together and played.  MK is at a great age of 7.

The visit was great.  Always good to see the folks.

We left Beaver around 730 PM.  The worse of the rain had passed by in the day.  But the roads were wet.  Riding curvy, wet roads in the dark is not fun.

When we got home we realized that we were hungry. Can you believe that the local store at the resort had run out of Pizza dough...   We ended up ordering from off the resort with a deliver wait time of an hour.  Argh...

The Locatoweb tracking service said our total miles for the day was 105 miles.


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