Where are you Christmas

Where are you Christmas?
Why can't I find you?
Why have you gone away?
Where is the laughter  You used to bring me?
Why can't I hear music play?
My world is changing, I'm rearranging.
Does that mean Christmas changes too?
I awoke early this morning.  Unable to sleep I picked up my cell phone and started scanning the news.  I was looking for evidence during this holiday season that the Christmas season was here. 
In the news I saw evidence of our nation in distress.  I read about the murder of a pregnant wife and the death a nine year old, who was left in the trash bin.  I read about millions of people gambling their hard earned cash for a once in a lifetime opportunity to win the lottery.  Of course there was news about the weather, and the concern that the dear might starve with all the snow covering the food source.  Finally, in small print, I found a small article of the generous giving to the salvation army.  But the giving is still down $300,000 compared to this time last year.
Where are you Christmas?
Why can't I find you?
I put aside my cell phone and started my morning prayer.  That's when Jesus gave me a glimpse that Christmas was not far away.  He reminded me of the Christmas carols, that are tearing at my heart.  There is glimmer of the neighbors house, with all the Christmas lights.  He reminded me of the present, that my boss left on my desk. He reminded me of a coworker, who behind in her own work, took the time to help me advance my own dead line. 
I rolled over in bed not entirely convinced.  That's when Jesus opened my eyes, and showed me further evidence.   He showed me the love of a daughter in law, who willingly gives her time to help her aged father in law, as he lays in a hospital bed.  He reminded me of the love of another daughter who left her family and the comfort of her home, and traveled to snow and cold Minnesota to care for her mother, as her step father was the one in that hospital bed. 

Get better Dad. Let's get you home for Christmas.
My heart is still cold to this Christmas season.  There has been no hustle or bustle of the shopping mall for me.  There hasn't been much time for me to reflect. But perhaps this morning, the Christmas fire may have been kindled.


Unknown said…
Thanks Todd. I love it.
Rose said…
Where there is kindling, there can be fire. Fan the flame! Let the warmth of Christmas surround you and take comfort and strength from it. After all, it's because of our Comforter that the holiday exists.

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