Searching for a Retirement Home: Texas Day Eight

Today LoriAnn and I are heading home!

A big thanks to Kathryne and Brad for hosting the family gathering for Thanksgiving, for letting LoriAnn and I stay with them, and for giving up their bed to LoriAnn and myself. 

This day however, we headed north on Interstate 35 which runs almost to our front door.  We topped off the gas tank and got a bite to eat about 60 miles up the road in Perry.  We stopped for BBQ and gas in Des Moines.  We drove into our driveway less than 12 hours later.  For this day, we drove about 780 miles. 

The total trip was 3240 miles.

Overall impression:
Texas is a large state with many different topographical regions.  West of Austin is the hill country that we liked.  East of Austin was flat.  Galveston was fun, and a potentially tourist location but not a place to live.  We liked the region around Tyler and may consider this as a future place to settle.  We did not like Azle and Eagle Mountain for the lack of commerce and arid condition.  We did not like Fort Worth, Dallas, or Houston. These cities are to large, with to much traffic.

The trip was fun.  I think I can speak for LoriAnn that we will be back to Texas.  But this nation is so vast, that Texas may not be our future home.


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