Searching for a Retirement Home: Texas Day Six and Seven

From Fort Worth, we drove north to Oklahoma City to visit LoriAnn's nieces Kathryne and Sarah and their families for Thanksgiving.

On Thanksgiving day, the 3.5 hour drive north was un-eventful. There was hardly anyone on the road. With the help of the GPS we found Kathryne and Brad's house without any problem.  Because Sarah and Josh were visiting Josh's family, the Thanksgiving celebration was postponed until Friday.  But we still needed to eat.  Although I think people should be home with their families on the holidays, I was thankful for the people working at Braum's so that we could get a good burger.

That afternoon, I went with Brad to wash his car. LoriAnn, Brad, and I then took the dogs out for a walk.  Honestly, the walk was the most exercise that LoriAnn and I had all week.  That night Brad and I played the Xbox, while LoriAnn and Kathryne were baking in the kitchen. 

Thanksgiving day started out as a lazy day with everyone sleeping until after 7:30.  Sarah, Josh and their daughter Makaylah came over after 1PM. Some late morning shopping was done with LoriAnn and Kathryne.  Even later shopping was done with LoriAnn and Sarah.  There were a few beers drank, some football games watched, and some more xbox games played by the guys. I tried to take Suzanne (dog) out for a walk, but she kept looking over her shoulder for Brad.  She finally sat down and wouldn't go any farther for me so I turned around and we walked back home.

Four dinner that night, Brad made some excellent Shrimp, Chicken and Steak out on the grill.  The women made the potatoes, bread, carrots and other sides to the meal.  It was a feast!

Afterwards, everyone seems to go into a food coma....  until LoriAnn finally rallied us to play a few table games.


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