South to LAM - Day 2

Today we made the decision to stay off of 4 lane roads as much as possible.  From Texarkana to NOLA was over 400 miles by freeway.  This was not good.  We couldn't stay off Freeways and still make our goal of NOLA without this becoming another hard day.  So, we changed out plans around a bit and decided to cross over Louisiana and go into Mississippi.  Then tomorrow we will turn South into NOLA.  After having breakfast at the motel, we topped off the gas tanks and checked out tire pressure.  This put us on the road about 8:15 AM.  We headed south out of Texarkana to Atlanta Texas and then turned East. Todays ride was less tha 400 miles.  Although a short day in miles we were still on the road until 5:15. 

As I drive down the road, a lot of ideas come to my mind about what to tell you.  But now as I type, my mind is blank. 

As we crossed from Texas to Louisiana, I saw a sign that said "Pray for Todd".  Somewhere in NW Louisiana, people are praying for me.

We saw a lot of oil wells crossing the state.  Drill baby drill was my montra as we passed them.  I am glad I am getting 40 miles per gallon.  Topping off my tank usually takes $18.00.

We did stay off of Freeways for most of the day.  There was about 60 miles of 4 lane limited access highways.  Then 6 miles of Freeway.  Not bad meeting out objectives.  A couple of times during the day I got to do some orienteering; choosing our roads as I wanted.  Terry was fine with this and seemed to have total trust.

Crossing the Mississippi in Natchez was kind of neat.  The river is really low.  I'll need to tell my wife to flush the toilet a few extra times.


joe said…
Throw some wheels under that bull and a windshield over the horns. You'll be good to go.

Ride safe.

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