South to LAM - Day 0.5

Well folks.  I got out of the house and onto the road around 1:45PM.  I traveled south on interstate 35 from Minnesota, through Iowa and into Missouri. I made one pit stop in Clear Lake IA for bathroom and Gas. I stopped for the night at 7:30 in Bethany Missouri.  Todays journey was 365 miles straight down the interstate.  Not a very glamerous ride.

The traffic through downtown Minneapolis was atrocious; stop and go, bumper to bumper. It was Friday and perhaps people were probably trying to get out of the city for the weekend. On the south side of town, a tow truck driver was doing his best to catch up and pass me.  As he went past he gave me a thumbs up and was mouthing the words nice bike.  I passed him a little bit farther down the road and got another nod.  Farther down the road, I went by a car with two kids in the back seat that were waving and giving me the thumbs up.  When I waved back the driver looked over at me, smiled and gave me a nod.  In Northern Iowa, a carload of teens were doing there best to get a look at the bike.  Where am I going with this?  I guess soemtimes you take the good with the bad.

Terry made it all the way to Russelville Arkansas.  13.5 hours on the road.  His hotel is a few blocks away from the motorcycle dealer that is selling him his new bike.  He got a picture from the dealer that showed the bike with the luggage rack installed.  This is going to get him out of the dealer earlier than expected.  So he is going to try and stop in at a relatives house for a few hours.  We will contact each other at noon to firm up our randevous.

I have gotten a little feedback on the blog that I want to share.  One person thinks I am crazy.  Paul wonders if I ever work.  Joe is encouraged to get out and ride again; he's going to ride 300 miles just to get a new tire.  Finally my wife thinks that I am off to a good start. I woiuld love to hear your comments!  Come back soon!


Sarah said…
Drive safe!

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