South to LAM - Day 6

This day we went from Forsythe GA to Joe's house by Maryland TN.  380 miles.

One of the hi-lites of the trip with the ride down the Dragon.  The dragon is a portion of the road that is only 11 miles long but it has 318 curves in your path.  It starts in North Carolina and ends in Tennessee.

As we were driving up the road to the cross the Dragon, we went through a town in Georgia.  At a stop light I yelled over to Terry, "where are we?".  He just shrugged.  A few stop lights later Terry says, "I know where we are, I used to live here".  Since he is older than I, the lack of memory must be age.

Went stopped into Walmart so Terry could get a USB Memory stick.  Our bikes have a USB port that we can play music off of even charge our phones.  Terry has been using the music from his phone.


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