South to LAM - Day 1

Today was the first official day of the trip.  It was a long day in the saddle.  I left Bethany, MO at about 7:45AM.  Met Terry in Waldron, Ark at about 3PM.  Arrived in Texarkana, TX at about 6:30PM. Almost 600 miles.

Terry story goes something like this:  He was at the dealer at 8:35AM as they opened. He was given the royal treatment at the dealership; and even recieved a full tank of gas.  He left everything in his old bike at the motel.  After closing the deal around 10:30,  he drove the new Blue bike to the motel and loaded up.  Then stopped and visited some relatives in the city of Ozark.  He and I talked around noon and agreed to meet in Waldron. He was happy that he had an opportunity to take two lane roads to our meeting point.

As for me?  I had nothing very eventful happen.  One fun thing: The bike is parked outside with the odometer reading exactly 14000.   


joe said…
Man, I'm glad to see things are going well on the trip so far. I'm a little envious you guys are out there and I'm not. Weather's perfect around here so far.

I made a pass through the gap and up over the Cherohala yesterday (amongst some other local'ish roads) to make sure everything is still there for y'all.

Y'all stay safe. Please keep the blog updated. I'll check back later this evening and tomorrow. --Joe
joe said…
Man, I'm glad to see things are going well on the trip so far. I'm a little envious you guys are out there and I'm not. Weather's perfect around here so far.

I made a pass through the gap and up over the Cherohala yesterday (amongst some other local'ish roads) to make sure everything is still there for y'all.

Y'all stay safe. Please keep the blog updated. I'll check back later this evening and tomorrow.

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