Someone recently suggested that we don't buy fuel on May 15th 2007.

Why? Because there are 73,000,000+ American members currently on the internet network, and the average car takes about 30 to 50 dollars to fill up. If all users did not go to the pump on the 15th, it would take $2,292,000,000.00 (that's almost 3 BILLION) out of the oil companys pockets for just one day, and that would put a dent in the Middle Eastern oil industry for at least one day.

OK, I'll try not to...

But to do so means I may have to fill my tank on May 14th, or 16th which may increase the demand thus driving prices up even more.....

I think it might be better if we all stayed home, on that day. But if I don't drive on that day, I had better stock up on groceries since I eat out a lot and I now will need to eat at home. Which means I will use more gas for an unplanned trip to the grocery store. Dang, I am still impacting gas prices with more fuel consumption.

Maybe we should not eat that day also, so we don't need to drive the car to go shopping for groceries. Then we won't have to open up packages which takes fuel to create; thus saving more fuel. Farmers won't need to grow as much thus they won't need to run their tractors. Garbage people won't need to pick up as much trash thus saving more money. If we don't eat then we won't go to the bath room as much either. If we don't go to the restroom, then the waste systems can shut down for a day which will also save fuels.

Hey, if everyone stayed home and fasted, then gas companies, farmers, food companies, packaging companies, grocery stores, and waste management companies may loose money leading to employee layoffs. My Gosh, if people get laid off, then the wellfare expense may go up and I'll have to pay more taxes. I really don't want more taxes....

Lets just hope I have enough gas in my tank that I don't have to worry about filling up on May 15th. Then I can say I participated.


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