Last week I went to see a dentist because a tooth was giving me pain. She gave me some antibiotics and referred me to this special dentist because the tooth was in bad shape. If my dentist was referring me to a specialist I knew the tooth was in bad shape and there was a possibility that I may loose it.

I had started praying for Gods intervention and healing miracles to happen to this tooth since the day it started giving me issues. So yesterday, when I climbed into the chair I was expecting that this specialist would be able to perform miracles for God. I was expecting the tooth to be saved.

Sadly the DDS was very straight forward with me. He asked me how traumatized I would be if I lost my tooth. He said the odds were extremely high that I would loose the tooth. If I wanted him to, he would attempt to save the tooth; charge me lots of money; put me through a bunch of pain and then pull it sometime in the future. He told me I could go home and spend the weekend in pain and come back next week with my decision or he could pull it out right then and let me have a relatively pain free weekend.

What choice would you make? How precious are your teeth?

I left the office with a souvenir for the tooth fairy in my pocket.

The tooth had cost me a bunch of pain in the past which resulted in a root canal and the expense for a gold crown. Now I have the tooth with the crown basically in my hand. I suppose some day I may have the gold removed and reclaimed. I can have it made into something if I feel like spending more money. After I remove the gold, I think I’ll take the remains of the tooth and hammer it too pieces in a spite of revenge. That won’t cost me a cent.

Have you ever expected miracles and then not have them happen? People have told me that sometimes God will say yes, and sometimes He’ll say no, and sometimes He’ll answer them in His time and not mine. I really don’t believe them. I know that I am a child of God and He only wants the best for me. “For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” Luke 11:9-11.

My wife says that Gods doesn’t answer my requests for miracles because I do not believe He’ll answer them. I’m not sure I believe that either. I pray every morning for God’s love and protection to be around me. This afternoon I barely avoided a car accident. It was so close that I am not sure that we didn’t collide. All I could do was to drive on thanking and praising God for His protection and for answering my prayers. God does answer my prayers.

Since I know that God answers my prayers, why didn’t I trust in the Lord and leave the tooth in? Why did I even go to the specialist? Why did I even go to my personal dentist? So why wasn’t my prayer for healing mercy answered as I asked? I don’t know why.

But I know that my prayer was answered. The pain is getting less every hour. Do you see how God answered my prayer with the specialist; whose wisdom and recommendation started me on the road to recovery. Praise Him, praise Him, praise Him.


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