Second ride of the 2020 season

Today I made it out for the second ride of the season.  It was a short jaunt of 104 miles.  This Covid isolation has set my riding for the season very far behind.

From home I road to Stillwater MN, were I crossed over into Wisconsin. Traveling south I road through Hudson WI to Prescott WI.  At Prescott I crossed back into Minnesota and road north thru Afton MN back to Stillwater using the old stagecoach road.  From Stillwater I took a different set of roads back home.

I had surgery last January where a large mass was removed from my left hip.  I've had some reservations about my endurance in the saddle after loosing half of my Iron Butt.  Today, my hind end got a little sore but I endured.

I have a beginning of the season rule that I am working on.   I do not take any passengers until I ride at least 500 miles.   My total for the season is now 205 miles after riding today.

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