2019 Sept Lake Superior Loop Motorcycle Tour - (Day 3, Mon Sept 2)

What did Chuck Knodt do on day 3?  He lunched in Marathon, visited Pooh Park and landed in WAWA .  

When we got up this morning, it was a chilly 42 degrees!   It is still Labor Day weekend in Canada and all the restaurants are closed for breakfast.  This is the second day we head out onto the road with a proper breakfast. LoriAnn headed down to the motel lobby and got us each a cup of coffee and some pre-packaged muffins.  In the lobby LoriAnn started a conversation with another couple.  They recommended the A&W in Marathon.  The muffins were just enough to cut the hunger pains.   But it wasn't the same as eggs and bacon.  We eagerly anticipated finding a restaurant in Marathon.

Before leaving Terrace Bay, we went to the down to the beach.   The water was calm.   LoriAnn was creative with her beach art.

From the beach we headed down the road a few miles to the Aguasabon River Gorge & Waterfall. There is a short hike down a boardwalk to get to the falls overlook.  Sadly the overlook gives you a great view of the river gorge.  But to see the falls you need to strain to the left to see the falls.   But what you see of the falls is very beautiful, and misty.   

After seeing the falls we got back onto the road and headed to Marathon, On.  In Marathon we found Pebble Beach. We pulled into the parking lot and found that it was a steep climb to get down to the water. We decided to stay up on the top and admire the smooth rocks and large pebbles that formed from the strong waves and ice. 

Our stomachs were growling as we left Pebble Beach.   Hungry we cruised up and down the streets of Marathon.   There may have been some other restaurant open in town, but we didn't find one.   So, we enjoyed brunch at A&W. Yes, the A&W the couple recommended this morning.  I had the traditional burger and fries and LoriAnn had the cod sandwich and poutine (french fries with cheese curds & gravy - yummy!

Back on the road after lunch, we arrived at White River, Ontario.  White River is the place where Winnie the bear originated from.   A black bear was transported from White River to London England where A. A. Milan, the author of Winnie the Pooh, first met him.  I have always enjoyed Pooh bear, and this was an interesting find.  It was also a chance to stretch our legs.

At the end of the day we made it to Wawa, On, which is known for the Canadian goose. There is a great big giant goose at the visitor center as you enter the city.  On a quick ride through town we noticed several establishments that featured the goose.   We spent the night at the Best Northern motel that had a restaurant, found outside of town.  Sadly the restaurant was closed for the day because it was Labor Day.   They also wouldn't promise us that they would be open for breakfast.  Fortunately, there was a restaurant a short walk away, Kinniwabi Pines, which was open for dinner.  LoriAnn had white fish.

Today we traveled over 188 miles!

In the next post; We celebrate LoriAnn's birthday, got drenched and crossed the border in a most precarious way.

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