Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Peace to you and your family this holiday season.

The end of 2017 finds both LoriAnn and Todd healthy.  Megan and Tom are doing well also. We have had a busy year with a Caribbean cruise in Mar, a fun filled motorcycle ride to the west coast in July, a visit with LoriAnn’s sister in Las Vegas in Sept, and a relaxing trip to Branson with Todd’s cousin and wife in Nov.  We had our house resided and then repaired after a hail storm.  We spent many fun days riding the motorcycle across Minnesota and Wisconsin.  We enjoyed many good times with out of town Family visits.  Sadly we said goodbye to Todd’s Dad in October and a few other family members throughout the year.  Finally, We look forward to the new year and all the opportunities it brings.

We wish you a very Merry Christmas
and a very happy New Year

LoriAnn and Todd Holmes


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