If the good lord's willing and the creek don't rise

For the last few years, before he crossed over to heaven, my father had a reoccurring dream. In the dream dad is standing on one side of a river.  A creek that was flowing so fast he couldn’t cross.  On the other side was Jesus, Mom, and my brothers Doug, and Brian.  Dad knew it wasn't his time to go home because the creek was too high and fast for him to cross.

Often, at night when I would leave him at the home, I would tell him that I loved him and then I typically said, I’ll see you tomorrow.  He often answered “If the good Lord is willing and the Creek don’t rise.” 

One time I asked him where he got the saying from.  He didn’t respond. I was thinking he was worried that a small creek somewhere would be overflowing and I wouldn't be able to get to him. 
After a brief pause he asked if I remembered “his” dream and he told he had recently had it.

If the good lord's willing and the creek don't rise


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