48K Maintenance at 53K

I dropped the bike off at Tousley Motorsports on Monday for the Honda Brake Recall and a major tune up. I was sure that the service manager said the bike would be done mid week.  My mistake was telling him that's good because I want the bike for the weekend.  

The Brake Recall was because the rear brakes of the affected motorcycles may drag after the brakes are released. Additionally, extended riding with the rear brake dragging could generate enough heat to result in a fire.

I know that I have gone thru rear breaks a lot. There are times when I have smelled the brakes and wondered.  But dang, taking the bike to the shop and leaving it for an extended period of time (even with and appointment) made me put this maintenance off for a year.  With the big ride west coming up, where we will be pulling a trailer, it was time for it to be done.

I went in with a maintenance list of items to do.  I wanted a complete fluid change: cooling, brakes, rear trans axle, and clutch. I knew that the spark plugs were well over due, so I thru them in.   I also added on both front and rear brake pad replacement.  Sadly they pointed out that this list was the basically the 48K mile maintenance, which included the air cleaner.  Along with additional charge for new spark plugs and brakes I paid Bongo bucks!!!!!!

53XXX miles were on the odometer.  I had missed the 48K.  I have a long ride planned in June.  Although I hated to spend the money, it was due to happen.

Sadly It is the start of the Memorial Day weekend and the bike wasn't finished until 5:30 PM.


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