Searching for a Retirement Home: Texas Day Four

This morning, the wind was blowing strongly and it  was still lightly raining.  It wasn't a pleasant nights sleep.  The power went out in the motel room around 3:30.  When the CPAP machine quit on me, I naturally woke up. When I went around the room verifying the power outage, I managed to leave some lights on,.  And then, of course the lights were all brightly lit when the power came on around 4:30. So I got up and turned them off.

Galveston, oh, Galveston,  I still hear your seawaves crashin

Galveston is a city on the coast of Texas that attracts lots of hurricanes. The songwriter was on a beach in Galveston when he wrote this. He made up the story about a soldier in the Spanish-American war and the girl he left behind. Most songwriters never find themselves in places like Galveston or Wichita, but Webb found inspiration in the people he encountered in these places. The Vietnam War was going on when Campbell released this. It was considered an antiwar song.
It wasn't raining as we loaded the car.  But the wind was still blowing heavily.  We turned the car north and headed up towards Houston and Tyler.  As we drove through Houston, we were passed by a local law enforcement officer on a motorcycle.  Not a nice day to work outdoors.
Tyler Texas is located in the region of Texas called the Piney Woods. If you haven’t experienced this part of Texas, you should know all those tall, beautiful green things are not funny-looking cacti. They are trees.  Pine and hardwood trees that cover a vast rolling hill territory.  And there are lakes; big and small.  If you remember from day two, hills and water were two criteria we desired.  A third is trees.  And this region of Texas has all three.
In midday sunlight, we drove right into the heart of Tyler, recognizing that its not a large city.  But its not small either.  As we moved away from downtown, we noticed that construction was being done, so there is growth in this town.  Circling the town, we first encountered lower class communities, that appeared run down.  This was to the north and west of the town.  Not being depressed, we kept circling into the southwest and encountered middle and upper class homes.  We found some very decent 3 bedroom homes that were in the $150 - $170.  Many of these homes were in well established area's with tall trees.  On the south side of Tyler, we found a lot of commerce to support the town. 
Dinner that night was at a little Italian restaurant.  It was another late night meal as usual.  Then back to the room and to bed around eleven.  An early night for us.  The geography around Tyler surprised us today. We were happy with this area.
Tomorrow we are off to the west side of Fort Worth to Azle and Eagle Mountain.
Good Night!



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