Searching for a Retirement Home: Texas Day two

Austin is really a tale of more than one city.   To the east is the plains. To the west are the hills.  Old town Austin is rich with history. The newer town of Round Rock is..  well its new.

LoriAnn and I have often talked about what we are looking for on this trip.  We agree that we don't need Ocean.  Mountains are not necessary, but we love hills.  The region we settle in will need to have some lakes cause we do like to play on water.  The lakes will typically indicate that the region has the water to support its populace.

We got onto the road this morning at 8:30 with plans to head west into the hill land before the rain and sleet started to fall. Heading North West on 183, we left town.  Initially we were concerned. This was supposed to be hill country.  And we didn't see any hills.  This looked like Iowa.  Then we turned West on 1431 and drove to Marble Falls.  1431 was a great curvy road.  The flat land turned to hills that reminded us of Missouri and Arkansas.  I could only imagine that we were riding this road on the motorcycle.

From Marble Falls, we headed back East on Route 71.  This a fast trip on four lane road.  Even with the addition of side trips, down to the river, the trip back to town was fast.  On one side trip we just about had us some fawn deer meat for dinner.  As we neared town, We detoured back north and found the damn that creates Lake Travis.  From the damn we headed down some more twisty roads into old town Austin.  Along the way we saw a pair of peacocks.  We cruised Sixth street which is known for its old clubs that country musicians have frequented. 

We found the Capital building and the Governors house. 

Cruising through the University we saw the stadium where the Longhorns play.  It looked larger than the Gophers TCF stadium.

Later in the day we met LoriAnn's team mate from work.  We had a great visit with her, along with some excellent BBQ from Salt Licks.  Bubba's in Eureka Spring has got some competition from Salt Licks.  We had a great visit with Teri.  LoriAnn and Teri have become good friends at work although they never have met.

We both agreed that the weather has really dampened our impression of Austin TX.  As for out priorities, it may meet all that we desire.  But we can't say that we fell in love with the locale.  IF we had to make it work, it would.  Perhaps we need to come back when the sun shines.

Tomorrow brings a change of plans.  We are going to run East through Houston and down onto Galveston Island.  Just because we can.  We are still planning on cruising Tyler and Azle before we get to Oklahoma city for turkey day.  Wish us luck.  Come back tomorrow!


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