New Year Resolutions

Normally I don't make these silly new year resolutions because I don't often succeed in keeping them. Well this year I have a few of things that I want to personally accomplish. So, I thought I would list them here in the blog and then to periodically provide you with updates on my accomplishments with regards to them. So here is a list of my personal goals for 2011:
  • Learn more about the God that I love and trust
  • Constantly affirm my love to my wife
  • Blog or Journal more
  • Ride over 10,000 miles on my motorcycle
  • Loose over 30 pounds and keep it off
  • Re-associate myself with at least close 6 friends

Lets start with this list and see how I do. Of course I reserve the right to add, subtract or modify the items... After all, each of us needs to constantly evolve.


trhomer said…
Somebody asked me why I my goal is set for only six friends. My reply was: "I need enough friends to carry my coffin".

OK, that was just a quick flip answer. But a good one for a spur of the moment response.

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