Social media and politics

This election cannot be about race, nor gender. This cannot be about the candidates past transgressions. For both candidates have sinned and are far from perfection except for the grace of God (assuming the candidates have a relationship with Christ). This election has to be about the candidates future agenda. This election has to be about the future of America as we know it.

This blog is a safety net for me.   Here is where I vent.   Here is where I am not politically correct to not offend others.

I don't follow my friends Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube accounts to know or support their political views.  I follow them to know what they are doing. How they are having fun.  What they are struggling with, so that I can pray for them or help them in some way. Likewise, I have tried to keep my social media out of the political battle to show you what is going on in my life. I am having fun! I have my life struggles. I am enjoying my journeys and travel. I have a family that is providing me joy! But probably the most important, I do not want to be embattled. 

As more 'friends' have entered the battle with opposing views, I feel I cannot hold back much longer.  I have and will comment on opposition to views that I support. I tell myself, if you are entering the battle, you best be prepared to become embattled. And that is true for my friends and family. 

Please understand, I don't care what your political stance is.   Show me what is going on in your life. 

For now, I will hold back the political tirade on my own social media accounts except for this blog account.   But I fear I will crack and spew forth voluminously before the political season concludes.

I find myself beginning and ending the day asking our Lord to take control and lead us in His direction. I know that Satan will not win the war. But he is taking control of this world, and its becoming dark and frightening.


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