A short adventure into Wisconsin

Todays ride was a short 218 mile trek into Wisconsin. 

Heading east from home, I crossed the St Croux River at Osceola WI. I took the rustic road from Osceola to St Croix Falls WI. Then took a back road along the river, heading. north to Grantsburg WI.  Out of Grantsburg, I went east to the Burnett Dairy.  Although I'm doing well, its well past lunch time and I need a bio break.

Burnett Dairy Cooperative produces high quality cheese products. Their market host a wide variety of dairy products, a grill featuring sandwiches and cheese curds, and a dairy bar with great ice cream selections. I had a corn beef, swiss sandwich and a side cup of scrumptious chocolate ice cream.

Refreshed, I maintained the easterly route to Siren WI. There I crossed over HWY 35 and continued east on CR B, then south on CR H to Cumberland WI.  From Cumberland I took more county roads to Balsom Lake WI.  From Balsom Lake, I headed south to Star Prairie WI.  In Star Prairie there is a bar/grill, that I've ate at; the Friendly Bar and Grill. But no stopping today.  From Star Prairie, I headed southeast and crossed back over the St Croix on the new high bridge into Stll Water MN.

The buttocks is beginning to feel the time in the saddle. Perhaps the surgery in Jan took more Iron out of my butt then I thought. It could also be that my saddle has broken down. A new seat is costly.

I've run the final leg home from Stillwater so many times, it's really nothing new.  However, there is normally traffic on HWY 7, but not today. 7 is a fun run without traffic. Then to finish the fun, I followed the shore line around Bald Eagle lake.

Fun day riding. 

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