Riding with Todd - BBQ, Cheese Curds and a beautiful sunset

Today is one of the longest days of the summer. We got a late start on today's ride since Loriann had to work until noon. But after a quick lunch we got on the road and we were expecting a great ride.

We headed south to Welch Village and then down to Zumbrota. From Zumbrota we headed east on Highway 60 one of my favorite roads to Wabasha.  There we crossed the Mississippi to Nelson Wisconsin. We did a quick Loop through Alma Wisconsin back into Nelson and then stopped for and excellent BBQ dinner at J & J BBQ.

From Nelson we rode the back roads too Ellsworth where the infamous Ellsworth Cheese Curd Festival was happening. We stopped for some cheese curds & to listened to the band Reverand Raven and the Chain Smokin' Alter Boys. From Ellsworth it was a quick one hour and ride home. 

We had a beautiful sunset escorting us all the way, pulling into the driveway at 9:30 p.m. 

Today's ride was 287 miles, most of it was on twisty, turny, fun filled roads.


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