Taking Al back to his point of entry

Ever since Al Ian came to visit me for my birthday, he has been asking me to take him to visit his point of entry in Nevada.   Here is a picture of Al greeting me on my birthday.

When Al heard that my wife and I were going to Nevada he begged and pleaded for me to take him with us. He was pretty sure that Nevada was his point of entry to earth, and he was sure he could find some of his relatives. I told him that I couldn't afford a ticket on the plane for him.  I didn't mention the fact that TSA probably wouldn't let him on board the plan.  He told me about a way he could flatten himself out and make himself small. Only LoriAnn, Me and him would know he was in the suitcase. The only catch was he couldn't recover on his own and would need my help.  So last night, I helped him out...

During the night, Al was able to work the wrinkles out and start looking like his normal self.  But this morning, before we could leave, we had to wait for Jeanette got off work.  Al got quite anxious and wanted to leave.  But I made him wait.
Jeanette finally showed up and we got onto the road.  With Jeanette and Al in the back seat, they started to get cozy with each other.  Did I just bring Al all the way to Nevada to hook up with my sister in law?

Al told me to turn my head and keep my eyes on the road.

About thirty miles later we got off the Freeway and started down the Extraterrestrial highway.  Not sure why Al decided to levitate for this picture. Maybe he was excited.  It isn't everyday that he gets to travel.  Especially since ICE began to persue illegal aliens.

We stopped at the Alien Research Center and got out to do some gift shopping.  The Alien Research Center is a big tourist trap with this "Alien" out front.  Al said the tall monstrosity was fake.  Who would have known?

Inside the Alien Research Center we did a bit of shopping.  Al didn't want anything that was of earthly origin.  But then, Al was getting hit upon by one of his fellow Aliens.  That's when things started to get exciting....

The excitement quickly escalated when Jeanette caught the two of them.  Wow... Fireworks just about flew through the air.  I am glad I was able to settle everyone down.  Yet, I know Jeanette's feelings were really hurt.

Al roamed around the shop and came upon this statue.  He was totally impressed that they actually honored Marilyn Monroe.  He told us that not many people realized that she was actually a terrestrial in disguise.

Al finally got bored while we were shopping and asked for the keys so he could wait in the car. When I went outside, I found him behind the wheel. The kid may be able to fly a space craft, but he has a lot to learn about cars.  He couldn't figure out how to start it.  I am glad he didn't, because I am sure that he would drive away, leaving us stranded in the desert.

About 60 miles down the road, we detoured up a dirt road to the back gate of area 51. Area 51 is some top secret military air force base, but is also considered the residence to many alien space artifact.  I didn't let Al get to close to the gate.   I was concerned they would lock him up.

After we took a bunch of pictures of the back gate, we loaded up the car and drove back down the dirt road.  At the end of the road, was our ultimate destination, Rachel NV; where we planned to have lunch at the Little A'Le'Inn restaurant.  Rachel NV could easily be where Al started his time on earth. He just couldn't remember.

Al wasn't very concerned with the history of the area.

And he really couldn't understand why anyone would want this outdated model of spaceship.

But inside the diner, he was really impressed with the service. The waitress was nice enough to help him order his lunch.

However, when Al's burger arrived he was concerned that he might be eating one of his relatives.  Aliens have been known to take over a cow, simulating the bovine so that they can better observe us humans on earth.

With lunch being over it was time for us to return to Las Vegas.  Al took one last look inside the Inn.  Then with a sigh, he walked with me back to car.

We got back to our place in Las Vegas, unloaded the car and escorted Al back in. A few kids in the swimming pool saw him peer over the pool fence and got excited.  But Al wasn't interested in playing. I could tell he was thinking about all he saw and did today.  Inside our apartment he kept looking forlornly out the window.  I hope he doesn't become depressed before we go home.  I need him to help me get him back into the suit case.


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