Preparation for the West Coast Bucket List ride

My Bucket list ride is coming up at the end of June
This is a West Coast trip I have been dreaming about for years.  See the goals listed below.  There are a bunch of things that I have got to get done.

Route Selection
I am getting confused on all the different route options.  While out there, I want to see so much.  But to reach all the destinations, LoriAnn and I will be riding too many miles a day.  To make the miles, we won't have time to see the sites.  I have to focus on the original goals of the trip.

Goals: I need to reach the states of Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California and Nevada.  I also need to reach the Pacific ocean.  After reaching these goals I can say:

  • I have ridden a motorcycle in all lower 48 states
  • My current motorcycle has reach the Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf and numerous Great Lakes.  All water boundaries of the USA

LoriAnn is alright with passing up the scenic sites.  She knows what this trip means to me.  As she often tells me about our motorcycle trips; the drive by sites we see let us know if we want to go back to those areas for a more details vacation when we are done riding.  On this trip, any scenic sites we visit are all a bonus after the goals are met.   Bless her heart.

Bike Preparation

  • Tune up - I am over due for the big 48K tune up.  >update: Tuneup completed 5/26<
  • Tires - I am running on tires purchased at the end of 2015.  They won't last the 5000 miles I expect to travel. >update: tires installed 6/1<
  • Trailer - My friend Mark has agreed to let me borrow his trailer.  We want to get it in time to get some practice miles in.  >update: Trailer picked up 6/3<
  • Riding Pegs - need to replace these.  >Update: Purchased 5/23. Need to install< >Update: Installed 6/5<
  • Grip Covers - need to get these.  They will make less grip fatigue. >Update: Purchased 5/23. Need to install< >Update: Installed with hair spray 6/5<
  • Remove old comm system
  • Install DC volt port in front pocket - I have it, just need to install it.

Riding equipment for LoriAnn and I!

  • Communications - Goldwings helmet to helmet sucks.  I want to go un-tethered blue tooth.  >update: Sena 20S purchased and installed 5/26<
  • Helmet(s) - My helmet rattles and shakes to much.  I cannot stand another season.  LoriAnn could use a new Helmet also. >update: I bought a Shoei Neotek.  We have agreed to defer LoriAnn's helmet due to budget constraints.<
  • Raingear - Hot weather rain jackets should be OK.  Rain mitts desired.  Budget wise, we agreed to use our old yellow jackets.
  • Boots - LoriAnn and I both need new boots.  >update: looks like we are going what we have.  Just need to waterproof them<

Other Stuff

  • Cat Sitter - >update: scheduled with neighbor girl - need to train her<
  • Make room in the garage for both cars


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