Back to the past

I recently needed to make a change to my payroll direct deposit.  Recalling that I did this in the past on line, I spent time looking for the web page that allowed me to change it.  I didn't find the page that I was looking for.
Not knowing how to proceed I spent additional time searching through the HR site looking for instructions.  I couldn't find any.

So I called payroll services.  After answering a bunch of redirect questions I was put into a queue. The wait was short, but when the help agent spoke, the was a buzzing noise which made understanding difficult.

Found out I had to go to the forms page, then print out the form, fill it out, then go to the fax machine and fax it in. 

Well, gas is under $2.00 a gallon and star wars is in the theater.  We might as well use paper again.​


Unknown said…
You had to fill out a form and fax! welcome back to the 20th century!
Unknown said…
Welcome back to the 20th century! LOL

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