The Inn Keepers story

Thursday Night
This afternoon a newlywed couple came to town, looking for a place to spend a couple of nights. The young bride was very pregnant, due at any moment. I had no room for them, but I let them use my barn in the back yard. It's a very nice night tonight. A person may think it was nice enough for a king.

Friday (early) Morning
We got home after midnight tonight. When I checked in with the couple, a child was born. He shall be called Emmanuel, Jesus.

If I only had known that this young couple was going to be trouble I may not have let them stay in the barn. In the middle of the night, I heard trumpets blowing, and heavenly voices singing 'joy to the world'. Then a party was being held in my own yard. Oh yeah, I was invited but seriously would you get up in the middle of the night to sit at the feet of this child? Humph... and his guests. .. the shepherds... common people.... with all this heralding you would think he was a king.

Friday Morning
What a lousy night sleep I had. A bright star shown through my window. It was so bright the curtain could not contain it. And then my dreams... I kept seeing the child as an adult. Oh the pain and humiliation he would suffer. Three times I heard him ask me if I loved him. 'Of course I do' I would answer. Then he smiled and said.. 'Feed my sheep'. 

Getting out of bed my thoughts jumped to the sheep and shepherds in my yard last night. I hope those sheep didn't eat all the grass in the yard. My cow needs to eat. 

As I threw back the curtain, there were more people in the yard. Camels... and magi? It looks like they are giving the baby gifts. Great, maybe the couple will be able to pay for the mess they made in my barn.

Yesterday the party in the back yard broke up. First, that dang bright star moved off into the heavens. Then the shepherds left to go tend the sheep that they left in the fields. Finally the three kings road off on their camels. All those guests, but you could barely see one blade of grass in my yard bent over from hoof or foot.

I went out to the barn later in the day to check up on them. There was plenty of food left over from the party. After a few moments of chatter, they asked if I would tend their donkey and keep watch over their belongings so they could go to the magistrate to register for the census. Rather harshly, I said that I would. Then I turned my back on them and ran into my house. 

Truthfully, I had gone out back to see what was special with this boy baby. As I gazed into his face his eyes opened and he smiled at me. That little glance, from a baby king, sent a wave of joy and peace through me that I started to shake. No joy and peace should be so easy to obtain. I had to run.

This morning there was a knock on the door. I wasn't sure if I should open it. I didn't want to open it. Enough craziness had happened in my life. I didn't need more. Cracking it open just a bit, I saw the young couple and child standing before me. My eyes went from the baby's face to the fathers face. I could tell that there was something different between them but I was uncertain of what it was. There was a radiance coming from the boy, but the man’s face was filled with sadness and fear. As this man felt my gaze, he hung his head, and he sighed. With a crack in his voice he whispered; "He has his father’s eyes". 

My eyes went to the babies face and again I was overwhelmed. Throwing the door wide open I said; "Come in, please come in" I. For now I understood that this child was the Messiah. The child wiggled in the mother’s arms, but the mother and husband just stood there. “We’ve come to settle our bill with you" he said. "We have to move on toward Egypt". 

I hung my head, and now it was my turn to sigh. After a moment or two, I knew they needed to get on the road.  With tears streaming down my face I told them that their debt was paid. This was my gift to the king.

Happy Birthday Jesus, this one is for you!


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