A long days ride

Yesterday after a hearty breakfast at the local diner, LoriAnn and I blasted off on the motorcycle for a northern run up to Ely MN.  A 547 mile round trip made in 12 hours.

On the way to Duluth we had a road detour down a dirt road.

We made it to Duluth MN, and then through Two Harbors MN up the north shore of Lake Superior past the Split Rock Lighthouse.

At Silver Bay, we took a left on Hwy 1 to Ely MN.  At that point ran clouds started to haunt us as we flew west. 

Ely was the most northern point of our trip.  We were almost in Canada at that point.  While in Ely we stopped for a BBQ sandwhich.  Turns out that the family running the place new a friends family (Becky [Durham] Taylor). 


We left Ely and headed to Hibbing.

I should have taken a picture of the Law Enforcement Officer that stopped to admire the Goldwing in the city of Eveleth MN.
That sounded bad didn't it.
Seriously, we pulled over at the city park to look at the map and plan a route home.  While sitting there the officer drove by and then stopped and asked if we were OK, and if we needed directions.  We then spent 10 minutes chatting about motorcycle with the officer.  He was in his mid 30's and had just recently taken up riding to spend more time with his father.  His wife didn't ride with him, so he was interested in some of the riding advice that LoriAnn and I gave him.  He waved as he drove away and we all went on our way.  I did not get a ticket!


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