Bayfield Wisconsin for Ice Cream

Does 437 miles seem like a long way to go for an Ice Cream Cone.  What if it was ranked #1 of 15 restaurants in Bayfield.  The line outside was about 8 people deep.  When we got in the door we watched them make home made waffle cones.  We placed our order and walked out the front door with a treat and a surprise in hand.  At the bottom of the waffle cone was an oversized malted milk ball.

We got a late start this morning.  Leaving the house at about 9:30AM. We headed north on Interstate 35, turned east on Hwy 8 and crossed over into Wisconsin about forty five minutes later at Taylor Falls, MN.  From there we proceeded over to Rice Lake on Hwy 8.  At Rice Lake we headed North East on Hwy 48 to Hwy 7.  Hwy 7 was fantastic. A curvy road that ran alongside several lakes. 

We stopped at Hayward WI for lunch at Coopers.  The food was barely ok.  The wife's chicken sandwich was pressed chicken and my Rueben wasn't cooked thoroughly. The French Fries were under cooked and there were not very many of them.  The free Wi-Fi helped because we had been on the road all morning.  But to add misery to this meal, I left my credit card on the counter.  We were in Superior when I noticed this.   Now we have to wait a few days to get new ones, because the bank closed out the accounts.

From Hayward, we went up Hwy 63 and then Hwy 13 to Bayfield. Our intent was to drive around the peninsula, but a bridge was out so we wouldn't have made it.  After Ice Cream, a short walk down the pier and a bathroom break, we back tracked south and picked up Hwy 2 toward Superior.  At Superior we stopped for gas (and found the credit card was missing).  Then we headed west over the railroad and car bridge.  The trains run over the top of the bridge and the cars run underneath.

After the bridge we headed south on MN 23, the Veterans Memorial Highway to Sandstone.  At Sandstone we picked up Interstate 35 for a 75 mile run down towards home. 

437 miles is a respectable days journey. Most of the run was on two lane road.  The wind buffeted around quite a bit.  We managed to get off for a sit down lunch in Hayward and an hour walk around Bayfield.  Need to get the butt in shape for the two week run out east in September. 


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