Torpedo in the water

When a torpedo starts to "ping", that indicates it has zero'd in on on another submarines location.  The targeted submarine will jam the throttles full speed.  If the target can't put distance between itself and the torpedo, it will certainly increase it's time alive by decreasing ithe torpedo's rate of closure on its location.   This allows the target time to launch counter measures and gives the target time to find thermal layers to hide above or below.   Even a surface ship will try its best to out maneuver the torpedo.   In the end, it can be a matter of life or death.
For some people, perhaps the torpedo is in the water and that person is fighting for his life.  The escalated maneuvers are part of the persons fight for life. 

My project manager at work is really pushing us hard on a project that is , despite the problems and issues we are facing.  He wants to move the progress line forward.  My co worker stated that project manager wants to "Dam the torpedos and go full speed ahead".

For my project manger, perhaps he is fighting for his lively hood.


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