Cassie's Dr Visit

Cassie has just not been herself these last few days. When she doesn't eat her softfood or her treats something must be up. Normally she is around our feet crying all the time. But lately she just sits in her dinning room chair. I have found spots in the carpet where it looks like she had wet. Her litter box is being used, but I didn't find any fresh stool samples. Finally, we noted that her puking has been occuring more recently, and it is not conaining hairballs.

LoriAnn and I took her in to the vet yesterday. The vet noted that she is very skiny and seemed dehydrated. A full blood workup was performed and the results came back very positive. Her temperature was good. Teeth and gums were good. The vet checked her over and didn't seem to find any masses inside that shouldn't be there. Positive is good, but it doesn't tell us anything.

I cam home late from work and in a rush had to get her into her transport and whisk her off.  She went into it without much fuss.  I thought this was going to be a battle.  Thankfully, the vet isn't far away because her crying was hurting our ears.  While there she was very good.  She allowed the vet to manage and examine her without putting up any fuss.  Both LoriAnn and I thought that was unusual.  While waiting she would sit in one corner and then walk over and sit in the another corner of the waiting room.

The vet gave her fluids. And I have to try to collect a urine sample today. Otherwise she has been home and has seemed pretty close to being her old self.

She is getting pretty old.... Here is a picture of Cassie as a kitten that I took in december of 1999. That makes her almost 14 years old.


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