Holmes Society For Wayward Ashbaughs

The Holmes Society For Wayward Ashbaughs recently hosted another weekend retreat for an Ashbaugh. And this was no typical Holmes Society weekend.

Normally a Holmes Society weekend may consist of a pizza and a movie, a visit to a favorite restaurant, an escorted shopping trip, unlimited Internet surfing time, or even a special baking or cooking class.

But this weekend featured a special, one time opportunity to rescue a damsel in distress. Besides the mystery and intrigue of the rescue, this opportunity included a luxurious 5 hour motor coach ride, two opportunities for a deluxe burger, great phone conversation, and special one on one therapy session with the societies director of programs; LoriAnn.

Director LoriAnn reported that the weekend was a success and the hosted Ashbaugh had a good time. Although the damsel in distress weekend experience may have been a success, Director LoriAnn reported that she doesn't expect the event to happen again.


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