Often times with today's political overtone, I ask myself; was my service in the military worth it?

I am a humble and proud man, so it’s hard to accept thanks. It should be a great honor to accept thanks from so many on Veterans Day. But today, its a question of 'why now?'

Sadly, the thanks for my service that I have received in the last couple of years, has been more than all the thanks I have gotten since 1981. Think about this: there are some veterans left from 1941 that are asking this same question.

Sometimes the thanks is rhetoric. No more than a passing such as 'How do you do', 'Fine thanks' . I saw it on my father’s face. After so many years had passed since he served. He stood proud when they honored vets at a 9/11 remembrance, with a look of 'You are welcome, but are you sincere?'.

In addition, there are veterans that have given so much more than I did. They deserve so much more than I. I survived my six years with only bumps, bruises, minor contusions and a lot of memories. So I ask the question 'Why me?'.

At the end of life, each veteran must ask themselves one more question. 'Have they lived a life that was worth the loss of the man next to them?'

From most of you I know this thanks is genuine and sincere, and I bow my head to you and say 'You are worth it!'

Always remember 'Freedom is not free!'


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