Vine Park Brewery

My friend Mark put together an Beer Brewing outing for a bunch of us. We went down to Vine Park Brewery and made 4 batches of some great beer.

You can see pictures from the evening in my photo Album - There is a link to the photo album in the sidebar of the blog or you can click here:

Vine Park provides all the ingrediants. You provide the fun and time. It takes two evenings to do this, two weeks apart.

Night one we all showed up at 7:00PM. You mix a bunch of ingrediants and then take a half hour to fortyfive minute break. This was enough time for us to head down to the local pub for a beer or two. When you return, you have a few more ingrediant to mix and then they transfer the mixture to a holding container in which it magically turns into beer.

Two weeks later you return and bottle your beer. Of course, while you bottle you have mishaps that have to be drank. We brought food to share with each other and turned it into a party. Sharing your food with the employees of Vine Park helps to ensure that everyone has a great time.

Each batch of beer yields 6 cases of 12 bottles. Each bottle is 20 oz. Real yummy stuff.


Sarah said…
Hey- do you remember how much it costs to go to the Brewery to make your own beer? Micah would love to do that. Christmas idea :)

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