With the motorcycle season coming very fast, I have begun thinking of my rides this year. I'm using the excuse that I need to fit into my motorcycle pants as the reason for a diet. But for now, let me take a moment to look back in the past.

I've been associated with long distance riding since 1993 but have never gotten an official IBA paper regarding my rides. I got into long distance riding through rallying. Basically this type of rallying is a large scavenger hunt. You are given different points to ride to, ride there and provide evidence that you were there and you get points. The most points wins. The most miles doesn't necessarily secure a win. You have to be smart about the travels. Some points are mandatory. Some points have hours associated with them. Some points are given for spending time off the bike. Some big points are miles away, but they do not always secure the win by them selves. And the type of bike doesn't matter. There are usually different class awards.

My first year I left Minneapolis and traveled all the way to the Wyoming border and then back. I left with my two brothers. Picked up a few points on the way west. On the way east we got separated from one bother, the two of us continued (of course we new he was safely with another rider). We ducked down into IA and picked up a check point and got more points than the brother. All in all I think we got 1100 miles in 24 hours. A couple of other event years I just circumnavigated the state of MN. In 2000, there was a two day event that found me down in Oklahoma. Although I have never competed in them, there are also 5, 7 and 11 day events.

As I said, I don't have an official IBA paper to say I road a long distance. I do have my name in the official pages of LDR rallying. I think anyone can jump on a bike, ride an average 41.7 mph for 24 hours on a freeway and get a piece of paper. But throw in two lane roads, scenic byways, adventures such as finding the biggest ball of string, maintaining a pile of receipts or other official evidence that you got somewhere and now your talking. After all, isn't riding about the adventure.

If you interested in some LDR Rallying, there are numerous places to look on the internet. I am mostly associated with a rally group named "Team Strange". But there are others also. Here are a couple:



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