
Showing posts from July, 2024

Social media and politics

This election cannot be about race, nor gender. This cannot be about the candidates past transgressions. For both candidates have sinned and are far from perfection except for the grace of God (assuming the candidates have a relationship with Christ). This election has to be about the candidates future agenda. This election has to be about the future of America as we know it. This blog is a safety net for me.   Here is where I vent.   Here is where I am not politically correct to not offend others. I don't follow my friends Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube accounts to know or support their political views.  I follow them to know what they are doing. How they are having fun.  What they are struggling with, so that I can pray for them or help them in some way. Likewise, I have tried to keep my social media out of the political battle to show you what is going on in my life. I am having fun! I have my life struggles. I am enjoying my journeys and travel. I have a family that

Biden Legacy

Integrity - Joe Biden is a habitual liar and thief 1965, Biden plagiarized 5-pages from a law review journal "without quotation or attribution" Sen. Joe Biden claimed during a campaign appearance in New Hampshire that he finished in the top half of his law school class - His grades were relatively poor, and he graduated 76th in a class of 85 students.  1987, Joe Biden Falsely Referred To His Ancestors As Having Worked In Coal Mines In Northeast Pennsylvania.  1987 - Joe Biden stood before a crowd of reporters and ended his first presidential campaign amid questions about a value he’d worked hard to convince voters he had: authenticity. The collapse had begun 11 days earlier, with news that Biden had lifted phrases and mannerisms from a British Labour Party politician while making closing remarks at a debate.\ In 2007, Biden claimed that he was “shot at” in Iraq’s Green Zone; he later clarified that he was “near where a shot landed.” The following year, he told the Associated


Twisters! The family went to see this movie today. Epic, suspenseful and a thriller!!! The general consensus was very favorable. Its not a part 2, nor a remake of the original. It's a great movie and filmed in Oklahoma. Note: there were no cows but a chicken.

The lies the Democrats have told us to divide the nation:

All hell has broken loose in America and its impossible to hide the lies anymore! They lied about Russia Collusion. They lied about Hunters laptop. They lied about Joe Bidens fitness for office. They lied about the border being secure. They lied about inflation being transitory. They lied about how they would safely withdraw from Afghanistan. They lied about Biden being a “Moderate”. And they lied about Trump. You can only run away from reality for so long!

We know who commanded the shot


if he is fit for office, he is fit for trial
