
Showing posts from 2022

I pledge allegiance to the Lamb

I have heard how christians long ago, Were brought before a tyrants throne. And they were told that he would spare their lives, If they would renounce the name of Christ. Now the years have come and the years have gone. But the cause of Jesus still goes on. And now our time has come to count the cost. To reject this world, to embrace the cross I pledge allegiance to the Lamb With all my strengh With all I am I will seek to honor His commands I pledge allegiance to the Lamb lyrics by Ray Boltz

Herr Biden

as Hitler put down the Jews, Biden is putting down the GOP

Walter is alive

We know that Pinocchio brcame a real person. Proof that Walter has also. #JeffDunham #Walter #biden

Inflation, gas prices, shortages and Ukraine

This is what happens when you order a “President” through the mail. 🤨