
Showing posts from February, 2019

Great Journey of 2019 - Episode 1 of Season 2

Day 1 - Feb 25 It is our first full day in Bonita Springs.  We enjoyed a lazy morning, sitting on the lanai over looking a beautiful back yard with a pond while drinking coffee and eating breakfast. After 3 aggressive days of driving, we are enjoying a slow pace while we wait for packages to arrive. Sleep, what little we got, didn't come easy. Sleeping to 9AM certainly helped our attitude. Around 1030 AM, the packaged CPAP arrived. I was as excited as a child at Christmas as I tore open the card board box. I was nervous that I would find damage to the parts of the machine that was needed for a good nights sleep.  I was anxious that Megan might have missed packing one of the many parts. I dug through a mess of Styrofoam peanuts to get to a bubble wrapped package. I ripped open the bubble wrap and finally got to the CPAP carrying case. I opened the carrying case, and found all the pieces were there in fine shape. Megan did a great job putting it all together. Both LoriAnn and

Great Journey of 2019 - Season 1; What makes this the greatest journey?

So I named this vacation the Great Journey of 2019.   Are you wondering what is so special about this trip that I can call this the greatest? First - This trip is scheduled for 3 weeks.  It is the longest time I have been away from work since 1981, when I got out of the Navy and I was unemployed.   LoriAnn hasn't ever been on a vacation this long.  It has been GREAT too leave work behind. Second - It has been snowing back home.  February has been the snowiest winter on record.   And there has been at least one big snow fall in March. My neighbor back home has cleared the snow from my driveway at least 4 times.   Thanks Cliff.   I owe you a lot.   But I am glad I haven't had to do the work.  It's GREAT to be away from the snow! Third - Its been cold back home.   The temperature this morning -9 degrees.  This hasn't been an isolated case of cold weather.  Although today is a cool 55 deg F, The last 9 days I have been in shorts while the weather has been above 80 D

Great Journey of 2019 - Season 1

Day 1 - Feb 22 The great journey of 2019 has begun. It may actually be a continuation of Thanksgivings road trip. You might even call it the beginning of the end. Nevertheless, this morning LoriAnn and I awoke at 630 am, topped off our partially packed luggage, loaded up the Ford Escape and headed down the road just shortly after 800 am. For those who follow our journeys, you may remember our November trip to Texas and Oklahoma to visit possible locations to retire at. This trip is a continuation of that adventure. By now you may be wondering where are those two going now? This trip is a three leg journey. This first leg will take us to the home of our good friends, Mark and Delores in the city of Bonita Springs Florida.  We plan to take 3 days to get there.  As I write, we are barreling down I-39 thru Illinois.  When we left home it was 16° and foggy, but outside now it is 45° and partly sunny.  One of the other reasons we have left Minnesota. We headed east and lef