
Showing posts from January, 2018

Goodbye Al, until next time, safe travels

We said goodbye to out good friend Al Ian today.  He came for my 60th birthday party, and partied into the night.  He went out west to Area 51 with us and came very close to getting caught by the officials.  He stuck around to see what the Christmas celebration is all about, and loved all the lights.  But today he heard that a space craft from his home world is swinging by this galaxy and is willing to make a stop here at Earth.  He has to be ready to leave at a moments notice, so that NASA doesn't see the crafts arrival or departure.

Bye Cassie, Kitty Kitty Kitty. I will miss you!

LoriAnn and I put our 18.5 year old cat, Cassie down on Wednesday.  This is the 4th pet that I have put down in my life time.   It has also been the hardest.  Since Christmas she was hiding a lot.  Although she was eating (without puking it backup) she was still losing weight.  Last Monday, she just looked ill.  You could see it in her eyes. When she walked you could see she was in pain.  Tuesday she didn’t keep any food down and stopped eating.  Wed the vet took some blood work and said her kidneys were NOT elevated which is good, but her liver indicated problems.  She was also very tender in the stomach.  She barely moved while at the vet, even with the elevated adrenaline that pets get at the vet.  Selfishly I could have probably gotten the meds necessary to keep her around for another few weeks, maybe months.  But with tears and much sadness, I said goodbye to my kitty. After that I went home and crawled into bed with a 101.8 degree temperature.  I guess I got the flu som