
Showing posts from September, 2017

Taking Al back to his point of entry

Ever since Al Ian came to visit me for my birthday, he has been asking me to take him to visit his point of entry in Nevada.   Here is a picture of Al greeting me on my birthday. When Al heard that my wife and I were going to Nevada he begged and pleaded for me to take him with us. He was pretty sure that Nevada was his point of entry to earth, and he was sure he could find some of his relatives. I told him that I couldn't afford a ticket on the plane for him.  I didn't mention the fact that TSA probably wouldn't let him on board the plan.  He told me about a way he could flatten himself out and make himself small. Only LoriAnn, Me and him would know he was in the suitcase. The only catch was he couldn't recover on his own and would need my help.  So last night, I helped him out... During the night, Al was able to work the wrinkles out and start looking like his normal self.  But this morning, before we could leave, we had to wait for Jeanette got off work.  Al