
Showing posts from July, 2017

Memories of the past, and planning for the future

Time has passed by, and the 2017 West Coast trip is becoming a wonderful memory that is fading fast.  I need to schedule time with LoriAnn to go through the photos.  This is a task that needs to be done so I can finish my archive procedure.  Perhaps as we weed out the duplicates or superfluous photos, our memory banks will become refreshed. Since we love to travel we have already booked a trip west (by airplane) to Las Vegas to visit LoriAnn's sister in September.  LoriAnn's sister Jeanette moved to Las Vegas a couple of years ago. We have not seen her since she moved.  September in Las Vegas could be very hot.  We will take it one day at a time. We may make an overnight road trip into California to see LoriAnn's Aunt and Uncle. I am thinking we need to take Al(ian) to Nevada with us and visit the Extraterrestrial Highway . Actually, I think it would be way cool to go up there... We will have to see where this Las Vegas trip goes. Al(ian) is the green one. We have

Breakfast run

My friend Terry and I left on a breakfast run this morning (Saturday). Terry and I had become riding partners several years ago while looking for new riding companions.  We both have similar riding styles and endurance capabilities.  While eating wings and having a beer last week, we realized we hadn't been out riding together for awhile. So we booked this ride.  Because Terry had an engagement in the afternoon we were limited in travel time.  LoriAnn had to work, so she was only mildly disappointed that I road without her. Bikes all ready to go, awaiting Terry's arrival We had plans to run north from home into Grantsburg WI and then have breakfast there.  But rain storms were moving into that area and so, we redirected our route south. Terry led us out of town, through Hudson WI, down to Prescott WI, and into Redwing MN.  There in Redwing we had breakfast at the Liberty Restaurant and Lounge .   I had a pretty decent egg scramble and the price was reasonable. I l

Todds adventure at "Drive a Tank"

This was done five years ago. If you get a chance, you should take advantage of what  Drive A Tank  has to offer!

60,000 miles in less than 6 years

I got home from a shopping trip and noticed that I was 32 miles away from rolling the odometer on the GL1800 to 60,000. Since my wife was there when the odometer went to 50K, I thought it would be nice to include her in the ride to 60K.  So, when LoriAnn got home from work, I asked her if she wanted to go for a quick ride and get the odometer to roll over.   She couldn't wait, and rushed up to the bedroom to put on more appropriate riding clothes. When we rolled out of the driveway, I turned north and looked up at the ski and noticed a storm approaching.  Not wanting to run directly into the rain, I took the first turn east in an effort to avoid the rain.  But then as I cruised east I noticed the rain closing on us from the north.  So I headed us in a south, south-west direction in an effort to cross under the storm. As I got directly south of home I turned north and headed directly into a very black sky! I have had to ride in rain.  I know that if I want to ride I have to ri

2017 West Coast - Retrospect: Home Appreciation

As mentioned, I plan to publish a few articles in retrospect of the trip.  This post has to due with returning home. This was such an awesome trip!  We didn't want to leave the mountains, nor the coast.  Even the difficult days were an adventure.  We knew that when we got home, it would take time to decompress from being on the road for 16 days.  But we didn't think it would be this hard.  Perhaps it had to due with what we immediately encountered when we got home, or what we left undone when we left, but getting home didn't seem to be fun. Yes, I do enjoy the fact that I do not have to pack up every morning.  I enjoy the comforts and conveniences that home has.  I enjoy my bed; my electric toothbrush, and my electric razor.  I enjoy the toys that I had left behind.  And I enjoy the air conditioning in my car. Despite all these comforts that should have made Home a place to be; we were hit with a sad case of reality when we got there. Dad lives in assisted living.  Th

2017 West Coast - 5121 Miles, 10 States

Every good thing has to come to an end.  Reluctantly, today is the last day on the road. We visited with LoriAnn's niece last night.  This morning we got to have breakfast with LoriAnn's nephew.  It was great to see them both.  But this mornings visit was just a start to the procrastination that we did on getting home. With gas in the tank, we jumped on I 90 again and headed for the Minnesota border.  LoriAnn was preoccupied as we crossed so she didn't get a picture of the state sign as we entered.  She prides herself on getting pictures of all the crossing points so this was a mild disappointment. At Worthington, MN we stopped for a short visit at LoriAnn's friends: Orlan and Maggie.  Orlan is now 96 years old.  They are good people, and we always love seeing them. It was close to their lunch time, so we kept the visit short.  Worthington is where LoriAnn grew up.  We took a short tour of the city; passing by her childhood home.  Then we jumped on HWY 60 towards