
Showing posts from December, 2015

The Inn Keepers story

Thursday Night This afternoon a newlywed couple came to town, looking for a place to spend a couple of nights. The young bride was very pregnant, due at any moment. I had no room for them, but I let them use my barn in the back yard. It's a very nice night tonight. A person may think it was nice enough for a king. Friday (early) Morning We got home after midnight tonight. When I checked in with the couple, a child was born. He shall be called Emmanuel, Jesus. If I only had known that this young couple was going to be trouble I may not have let them stay in the barn. In the middle of the night, I heard trumpets blowing, and heavenly voices singing 'joy to the world'. Then a party was being held in my own yard.  Oh yeah, I was invited but seriously would you get up in the middle of the night to sit at the feet of this child? Humph... and his guests. .. the shepherds... common people.... with all this heralding you would think he was a king. Friday Morni