
Showing posts from 2015

The Inn Keepers story

Thursday Night This afternoon a newlywed couple came to town, looking for a place to spend a couple of nights. The young bride was very pregnant, due at any moment. I had no room for them, but I let them use my barn in the back yard. It's a very nice night tonight. A person may think it was nice enough for a king. Friday (early) Morning We got home after midnight tonight. When I checked in with the couple, a child was born. He shall be called Emmanuel, Jesus. If I only had known that this young couple was going to be trouble I may not have let them stay in the barn. In the middle of the night, I heard trumpets blowing, and heavenly voices singing 'joy to the world'. Then a party was being held in my own yard.  Oh yeah, I was invited but seriously would you get up in the middle of the night to sit at the feet of this child? Humph... and his guests. .. the shepherds... common people.... with all this heralding you would think he was a king. Friday Morni

One Liners and Random Thoughts: Tombstones

Author(s) unknown unless otherwise indicated. •Harry Edsel Smith of Albany, New York: Born 1903-Died 1942. Looked up the elevator shaft to see if the car was on the way down. It was. •In a Thurmont, Maryland, cemetery: Here lies an Atheist - All dressed up And no place to go. •On the grave of Ezekial Aikle in East Dalhousie Cemetery, Nova Scotia: Here lies Ezekial Aikle, Age 102. The Good Die Young. •In a London, England cemetery: Here lies Ann Mann, Who lived an old maid But died an old Mann. Dec. 8, 1767. •In a Ribbesford, England, cemetery: Anna Wallace: The children of Israel wanted bread, And the Lord sent them manna. Old clerk Wallace wanted a wife, And the Devil sent him Anna. •In a Ruidoso, New Mexico, cemetery: Here lies Johnny Yeast.. Pardon me For not rising. •In a Uniontown, Pennsylvania, cemetery: Here lies the body of Jonathan Blake. Stepped on the gas Instead of the brake. •In a Silver City, Nevada, cemetery: Here lays The Kid. We planted him raw. He wa

A long days ride

Yesterday after a hearty breakfast at the local diner, LoriAnn and I blasted off on the motorcycle for a northern run up to Ely MN.  A 547 mile round trip made in 12 hours. On the way to Duluth we had a road detour down a dirt road. We made it to Duluth MN, and then through Two Harbors MN up the north shore of Lake Superior past the Split Rock Lighthouse.   At Silver Bay, we took a left on Hwy 1 to Ely MN.  At that point ran clouds started to haunt us as we flew west.      Ely was the most northern point of our trip.  We were almost in Canada at that point.  While in Ely we stopped for a BBQ sandwhich.  Turns out that the family running the place new a friends family (Becky [Durham] Taylor).      We left Ely and headed to Hibbing.   I should have taken a picture of the Law Enforcement Officer that stopped to admire the Goldwing in the city of Eveleth MN.   That sounded bad didn't it.   Seriously, we pulled over at

ICE? Only in Minnesota ...

It was 88 degrees out.. June 21, 2015

LMAO.. scooter patrol on fathers day 2015.

Scooters need to follow the same laws as motorcyclist.  Parking on the city park grass is a no no!

2015 Patriot Ride

This years Patriot Ride was a tremendous success! A new attendance record was set at this years 10th Anniversary event! They had 3350 bikes participating, putting on a great show of support for our Military and their families!