
Showing posts from 2014

This takes talent: Drinking water and taking a selfie while a passenger on a motorcycle.

My Wife is the talented one!

Oh my goodness Dad, couldn't you have waited till you got home?


Bayfield Wisconsin for Ice Cream

Does 437 miles seem like a long way to go for an Ice Cream Cone.  What if it was r anked #1 of 15 restaurants in Bayfield.  The line outside was about 8 people deep.  When we got in the door we watched them make home made waffle cones.  We placed our order and walked out the front door with a treat and a surprise in hand.  At the bottom of the waffle cone was an oversized malted milk ball. We got a late start this morning.  Leaving the house at about 9:30AM. We headed north on Interstate 35, turned east on Hwy 8 and crossed over into Wisconsin about forty five minutes later at Taylor Falls, MN.  From there we proceeded over to Rice Lake on Hwy 8.  At Rice Lake we headed North East on Hwy 48 to Hwy 7.  Hwy 7 was fantastic. A curvy road that ran alongside several lakes.  We stopped at Hayward WI for lunch at Coopers.  The food was barely ok.  The wife's chicken sandwich was pressed chicken and my Rueben wasn't cooked thoroughly. The French Fries were under cooked and there