
Showing posts from November, 2013

Searching for a Retirement Home: Texas Day Four

This morning, the wind was blowing strongly and it  was still lightly raining.  It wasn't a pleasant nights sleep.  The power went out in the motel room around 3:30.  When the CPAP machine quit on me, I naturally woke up. When I went around the room verifying the power outage, I managed to leave some lights on,.  And then, of course the lights were all brightly lit when the power came on around 4:30. So I got up and turned them off. Galveston, oh, Galveston,  I still hear your seawaves crashin Galveston is a city on the coast of Texas that attracts lots of hurricanes. The songwriter was on a beach in Galveston when he wrote this. He made up the story about a soldier in the Spanish-American war and the girl he left behind. Most songwriters never find themselves in places like Galveston or Wichita, but Webb found inspiration in the people he encountered in these places. The Vietnam War was going on when Campbell released this. It was considered an antiwar song.   It wasn'

Searching for a Retirement Home: Texas Day Three

This morning we awoke with the temperature in the mid thirties, and the rain was slightly raining.  We headed east towards Houston and then crossed across the inner coastal highway into Galveston.  After a lengthy traffic delay going through Houston we finally turned south towards the coast.  Going south on Interstate 45, we saw signs for NASA's Houston Space Center.  Although it wasn't on our agenda, we got off the freeway and found the space center.  It was just a quick drive by.  Someday it would be fun to actually tour the place. Galveston, oh Galveston,  I still hear your sea winds blowing. LoriAnn and I blew into town on a gust of wind. When I thought of Galveston before this day, this is not what I expected. This town is a seaside town very similar to many others that I have visited before.  It is similar to Virginia Beach with its tourist shops, motels, and restaurants. The rain never quit, but we made the most of the afternoon.  This was a fun destination, not

Searching for a Retirement Home: Texas Day two

Austin is really a tale of more than one city.   To the east is the plains. To the west are the hills.  Old town Austin is rich with history. The newer town of Round Rock is..  well its new. LoriAnn and I have often talked about what we are looking for on this trip.  We agree that we don't need Ocean.  Mountains are not necessary, but we love hills.  The region we settle in will need to have some lakes cause we do like to play on water.  The lakes will typically indicate that the region has the water to support its populace. We got onto the road this morning at 8:30 with plans to head west into the hill land before the rain and sleet started to fall. Heading North West on 183, we left town.  Initially we were concerned. This was supposed to be hill country.  And we didn't see any hills.  This looked like Iowa.  Then we turned West on 1431 and drove to Marble Falls.  1431 was a great curvy road.  The flat land turned to hills that reminded us of Missouri and Arkansas.  I cou

Searching for a Retirement Home: Texas Day one and a half

Other years we have gone to places such as Williamsburg, Puerto Rico, Branson, and Southern California.  This year we decided on a road trip to Texas, with a stop in Oklahoma City to visit LoriAnn's nieces. At 4:00PM on Friday, LoriAnn and I logged off of our work laptops and began packing.   After the third exhausting week of more than 57 hours of work, the two of us were off on our Thanksgiving holiday vacation.  LoriAnn actually had most of her packing done.  Besides having selected most of her clothes, she also had gathered up snacks and other stuff for the trip.  I hadn't packed a thing. So when 4PM came around, I went into overdrive packing my clothes, computers, and winter wear (just in case).  LoriAnn scurried about putting items into her suit case, bags and what not.  During lunch we went over to the car rental and picked up the vehicle we are going to use.  So we had the car and we just needed to shove items into it and head off. With the trunk almost full and the