
Showing posts from January, 2009
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Okay, we are a bit late with our Christmas letter this year. But don’t we need to keep Christmas in our hearts all year long? And since the New Year is less than a month old, isn’t it still new? Well, at the end of 2008 our family was busier than normal. So this letter is later than normal. So how are we? Well, Todd maintained a relatively stable health with minimal back, and sinus problems. Megan developed a hyper-active thyroid which was radioactively treated; talk about serious isolation during treatment. Well, She is now on medicine (most likely the rest of her life) for her thyroid but she is doing okay. LoriAnn battled her bad back all year long and then this December was found to have breast cancer. After 3 lumpectomy surgeries in 13 days, the Doctor believes he has removed the invasive cancer. LoriAnn meets with the Oncologists in January to determine what course of treatment she’ll need. Both of the companies that Todd and LoriAnn work for h